Meet Your Success Team

DR. T- Tasnuva Tunna, (PhD)

Mum & Founder + CEO of ASA

Mum of three, neurodiverse adult who is deeply visionary and empathetic and feels it her life’s mission to help Your Autism child to become independent and successful in future. Her personal trauma history and her lifelong struggle as a neurodiverse to understand and make a place for herself in the world lead her to this deep healing work. Her gift to the world is “designing serenity for Neurodiversity!”. She loves cooking, is a book worm and is a fanatic of energy healing! Say Hi to her    Click Here


Jenny Crawford, B.A., C.H.R.L

dōTERRA Educator & amp; Wellness Advocate, dōTERRA Presidential Diamond Leader, Autism Mom

Jenny takes our MONTHLY Supplement of Autism Success Masterclass where she shares informations, strategies, tips, tricks, hacks, products to improve your child & your family’s health and wellness. She is offering limited time “ASA 1:1 Wellness Strategy Planning” session EXCLUSIVELY to our ASA students ONLY!! She lives with her 4 kids (one on the spectrum) and husband in USA.

Rachel Joy Costello

Ayurvedic Practitioner & Regenerative Health Expert

Providing access to true health freedom is a privilege she holds dearly. Utilizing a wide variety of modalities that support the whole person - body, mind, and spirit - Rachel expertly guides women and families into their highest resonance and deeply connected to their intuition.She is our Phase 2 aka Superfood Nutrition specialist who gives complimentary sessions for our ASA students!!

She lives in USA with her daughters and hubby.


Lynn Pliska

Energetic Success Coach

Lynn Pliska is our Energetic Success Coach and our resident healer at ASA. Owner of LyF ( Love You First) she believes just as people are unique souls, the steps that bring healing are just as unique as the person or child she meets in a session. She is a  Gifted Reiki Energy Healer, with comprehensive certifications in the arts of Usui Reiki ,Dar Shem Reiki and Karuna Reiki. REIKI Energy healing works with the Body and  Nervous system to help bring calming Energy into the body for Assistance and Repair for MInd body and soul.

Tanzia Tishi

Graphics Design & Cool Sista!

She is the SIS to DR. T and drove her crazy when she was a sibling. She is deeply artistic and made Dr. T start her beauty aspirations!! She designs the beautiful posts & illustrations that you now recognize as the ASA brand. She has a MBA and Bachelors in Multimedia & Graphics. 


Tahzib S. Talha

PR & Client Support Manager (Bangladesh)

He is the “BRO” of the family and helps her sister as the Big Boss of ASA’s Bangladesh wing. He helps distribute supplements, takes care of payments and is the connector of the student base to the mother ship in Canada. He completed Masters in Religious studies and is also a Diploma in Telecommunications. He is a book addict like Dr. T. Say Hi to him  Click HERE